This is our contract .
Cimarron Frontier Doodles Stillwater, Ok
Cimarron Frontier agrees to sell a puppy to ____________________________________for the purchase price of ___________________including a deposit of _____________.All rights and privileges are now transferred to the new owners as of the date on this contract.
This is a puppy born on __________________.
The puppy’s mother is ____________________.The puppy’s father is ______________________.The puppy’s breed is ______________________.The puppy’s color or markings _______________________.The puppy’s name is _______________________________.The breeder guarantees the puppy to be healthy at the time of sale.The breeder does not assume any liability for any injury to said puppy after delivery. The breeder has given prevention type treatments such as deworming meds and shots to the puppy and will have a health certificate from the vet office before puppy will be placed with his/her new owner. Treatable, routine puppy-hood illnesses the puppy might pick up after delivery such as any parasites, coccidiocis, kennel cough, ear mites, hernias, hypoglycemia (stress induced), ear infections, or giardia are not intentionally overlooked, but they are not covered in the guarantee. I recommend that, for your peace of mind, the puppy should be examined by your own vet after bringing him/her to your home.The buyer agrees to have this puppy examined by a veterinarian with 24 hours of delivery, or Monday following a weekend delivery. Exceptions________________. Veterinary costs are not covered. If the puppy is found to have serious health risks fully attributable to the breeder, it shall be returned to the breeder immediately and the purchase price returned. All appropriate shots and wormings considering the puppy’s age have been given and a record of this vaccination history is supplied.The buyer agrees to maintain the puppy’s health in good condition, and to provide follow up, yearly examinations, heartworm prevention, and any other usual procedures necessary to assure good health.The buyer agrees to not exercise the puppy excessively until at least 6 months old to prevent traumatic injury to the puppy’s hips and bones.The puppy Should be neutered by14 months of age unless approved for breeding.Application for breeding completed, yes/no. The breeder guarantees the puppy’s eyes, hips, and heart until its 2nd birthday. For proof of an eye disorder we require a Cerf exam certification. For a hip disorder we require an OFA certification. For a heart disorder we require an OFA certification. In the event of a debilitating disorder the seller agrees to refund the cost of the puppy. A copy of this contract is required to receive a refund. Please return your puppy to Cimarron Frontier if at any time you are not able to care for him.The buyer’s signature below indicates that he/she has read, agrees and does understand all the conditions of the Contract of Sale.BUYER: _______________________________:_____ ADDRESS_________________________________ _____________________________________________DATE__________________SELLER_____________________________________
Laura chaffin, Cimarron Frontier, 810 S. West St, Stillwater, Ok


